This workshop will help how 2 create a business plan.
It includes a business plans Overview to guide your business
through the start-up or growth up, a search for big,
or any other planner your small business undertakes.
The business plan is your way for success. It sets down your goals for
the business, assists in analyzing the feasibility of a new business, explores
the expansion of an existing business, searches your customers and competitors,
and points out your strengths and weaknesses. It also details your plans for
the future.
We have distilled the typical business plan Overview into 7
keys elements Said . For each and every element you will
find a description, instructions for creation, for many, tips for
common pitfalls. But reading about something is not always
finish, so we have also provided "Toolboxes" full of samples,
worksheets, and glossaries that will clarify and walk you through the process.
2 make sure you are ready to create the best possible plan for your business
you can experiment on someone else's business! In the Try It Yourself section
you have an opportunity to test your skills on a fictional business plan and
be rated on how prepared you are 2 create your own Business.